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Thank you for visiting our online store. If you have a question about your order, a custom-made request, a general inquiry, or feedback, please use the form below. Ngā mihi. (Thank you)

Ali Davies
64 27 6550785

**For trade, wholesale or hire enquiries, please scroll down for more information.**

Trade & Hire Enquiries

If you are an interior designer, stylist, or work in real estate or media, you may be eligible for trade pricing. We also offer hire service on some of our products.

So we can get back to you with a tailored, custom quote, or to set up an account, please complete the form below with full details, and we will be in touch with you within 48 hours. 

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what the products are for in the space below.

Wholesale enquiries

If you are a retail store and would like to include the Ali Davies brand and products in your store, please get in touch with our wholesale distribution partner, Tikitibu to open an account -
Alternatively, click the link below to fill out an application form.

Have you seen Ali's Journal?

An eclectic mix of musings that cover design inspiration, backstories, table settings, collaborations, and more...